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Kate Shelley Y El Tren de Medianoche (Kate Shelley and the Midnight Express) (Yo Solo: Historia (On My Own History))

Kate Shelley Y El Tren de Medianoche (Kate Shelley and the Midnight Express) (Yo Solo: Historia (On My Own History))

Current price: $25.32
Publication Date: October 1st, 2005
Ediciones Lerner


Kate mir el destartalado puente de madera. Hab a tablones sueltos en su estrecha pasarela. No hab a ninguna barandilla para sostener. Ten a miedo de cruzar este puente incluso a la luz del d a. Pero ella ten a que cruzarlo ahora. Ten a que llegar a la estaci n de tren a tiempo para detener el expreso de medianoche. Cuando una fuerte tormenta destruy el puente sobre Honey Creek, cerca de la casa de Kate Shelley en Moingona, Iowa, Kate, de quince a os, se lanz a la tormenta, salvando la vida de dos hombres e impidiendo que se perdieran cientos de vidas m's. Esta es la verdadera historia del ingenio y el coraje de una joven ante un gran peligro.

Kate stared at the rickety wooden bridge. There were boards loose on its narrow walkway. There was no railing to hold on to. She was afraid to cross this bridge even in daylight. But she had to cross it now. She had to get to the train station in time to stop the midnight express. When a heavy storm destroyed the bridge over Honey Creek, near Kate Shelley's home in Moingona, Iowa, fifteen-year-old Kate bravely rushed out into the storm, saving the lives of two men and preventing hundreds of other lives from being lost. This is the true story of a young girl's resourcefulness and courage in the face of great danger.